Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Sheer Delight

As I noted briefly back in mid-June, progress on the second volume of The Complete Poems of A. R. Ammons has been somewhat halting. In fact, after getting back here I've hardly opened the tome. Which led to a vague feeling that poetry was lacking in my life.

Fortunately that lack was addressed today by Carol Rumens's offering over at her Poem of the Week page in the Graun. To be honest I was astonished (and sort of delighted in an odd way) that I'd never read John Clare's Clock a Clay before. I regard myself as more than a bit of a Clare fan, so how I've contrived to miss this gem is beyond me. When I checked in my Oxford Authors edition of the poems it was in there, so there's no excuse.

But that leads me to the happy thought that once I've pushed my way through to the end of the Ammons's volume I might well tackle the Clare collection in earnest and unearth further wonders. Come to think of it, I've never read a poem by Clare I didn't enjoy.

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