Sunday, July 17, 2022

A Bit Too Slow

I'm very much enjoying Kazuo Ishiguro's The Unconsoled but am reading it at a very slow pace indeed. I'm roughly only a quarter into the novel, still not having completed Part 1. The thing is that the narrative itself deliberately touches upon tedium, or so it seems to me, but a kind of surreal, fascinating tedium. I haven't got a clue as to what it's all supposed to 'mean' but I'm keen to get to the end and try and figure it out (and check what the critics say, or said, about the book.)

Actually, in terms of style it's an easy read - no difficulties of expression or the like. So I'm wondering if I'm supposed to be reading fairly quickly and grasping how all the bits and inconsistencies (and there are many) fit together. Wish I wasn't so busy with the Toad, work, but that's just the way it is.

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