Saturday, July 9, 2022

Filming And Fasting

Fasting today ahead of Hari Raya Haji. Feel a bit low on energy, which isn't very helpful since we're also busy filming for our drama production. Hoping to stay on top of things but can see a struggle ahead.

Wrapped up a very successful day of filming. Now headachy, very.

Considerably revived after an elegant sufficiency of teh tarik, longan & cake. Helps to have the twinkling lights twinkling away again.

I've been thinking lately of getting back to the gym, now that it's been two weeks since my second booster injection and I'm officially allowed strenuous exercise again. I did wonder this morning if I might try a session later today. However, I've come to the conclusion that with over 14,000 steps  and 47 floors climbed in the course of the filming it would be pushing it a bit too hard to attempt anything else. So I'm just going to take it gloriously easy, thank you.

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