Saturday, July 2, 2022

Holding On

Here's a little inspirational, or maybe cautionary tale, whatever, from last night:

So there I am attempting to talk to someone from HMRC, the British tax people, on the phone. Anyone who's ever bravely attempted to do so will know there are lots of numbers you can ring on just about any issue, but you'll be put on hold for an age before you get through, and if you do get through the fellow at the other end is by no means guaranteed to be particularly helpful. So I'm phoning in the early evening, when it's late morning over there, and I've given myself a reasonable amount of time to wait, equipping myself with a bit of work to do while I do so.

To my surprise I get through to the department I need in just over half-an-hour. Not too bad. But the guy at the other end sounds a bit slow and a bit baffled. It takes a good four minutes just to complete the security check and he's got no idea at all how to answer one of my key questions, despite being the advisor who's supposed to handle the fact I'm questioning why I should pay more tax in a situation when I am very sure indeed why HMRC has got it wrong. In fact, he himself sees quite quickly they've got it wrong (because, though a bit complicated the issue is hardly mind-boggling stuff, and understanding this stuff is, I assume, his job) but he's still stuck on key details - like what I need to do next.

So he suggests it's best to transfer the call to another guy at another department. I'm a tad puzzled as to why the other guy will know more given that the title of his department isn't so obviously connected to the situation I'm in, but I agree. Foolishly. I sort of assume I'll be transferred right away but realise over the next minute I'm simply on hold again and starting the whole process from zero.

A good hour goes by. (Not so good, to be honest, but I'm sensibly getting some marking done.) I tell Noi I've pretty much given up and will end the call at 9.00 pm, since we're intending to eat soon after. I sort of forget about cutting the call and it's 9.05 when I decide to do so. At which point, to my astonishment, I get through. And, to my greater astonishment, this guy is satisfyingly knowledgeable and clear. He grasps the problem instantly and tells me what's best to do and how the whole thing will play out over the next two months, with me getting a fair bit of money back. Very reassuring.

I suppose there's a moral or two to this tale, but I'll settle for accepting the fact that once in a while it's worth waiting patiently on the phone despite the appalling muzak you must endure.

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