Friday, January 28, 2022

Still Not Stopping

I began posting from this Far Place pretty much fifteen years ago to the day, and conducted a sort of minor review of proceedings at the end of its first decade. Five years on I'm happy to report that my readership hasn't grown at all. I'd be seriously worried about my bad influence on the world if lots of folk were dropping in on my intemperate ruminations, but, other than yourself Gentle Reader, most of the population sensibly avoids contact.

My original aims in writing this also stand: to let friends beyond these shores know I'm somehow still ticking over; to enjoy the sound of my own voice, and see what happens to it when I go mildly public; and to practise writing to make myself a tad more authentic as someone who's supposed to teach others how to do it. And this being the case, I reckon I'll see if this can be kept going for another five years or so, God Willing.

There might well be changes in that time, related to my earning of a living, with retirement highly likely at some point. And perhaps a change in content might not be such a bad thing. Indeed, much as I appreciate, along with Prince, the joys of repetition, fresh pastures have their allure, eh?

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