Monday, August 30, 2021

Mind Blowing - I Mean Really

Just finished Liu Cixin's Death's End. Got completely immersed in it, though I only vaguely understood the science. Whatever doubts I had about the first two volumes of Remembrance of Earth's Past - and there weren't many by the time I'd read The Dark Forest to its conclusion - were swept away by the final volume.

I suppose I should attempt to say something about the kind of reading experience offered by Death's End, but I honestly can't at this moment as it fried my brain. I'll just say that the sheer scale of the thing is awesome (and I mean awesome in terms of epic literature, not as in Mr Connor you are an awesome teacher (which I'm not)). Just when you think Mr Liu has reached the limit of reasonable imagination he takes you to the unimaginable - somehow made imaginable. Oh, I give up trying to explain. This is just glorious stuff, and I'll have to leave it there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh but you are an awesome teacher, Mr Connor! My love for lit, drama and musicals all came from you. A belated 'Happy Teacher's Day!', and glad to hear your back is better now.

- Desiree (TKGS, Kismet, 1992)