Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Bonny Girls

We were out at Jurong Lake Park the other day for the sheer fun of it mainly, but also to take photos of Fifi & Fafa in their graduation garb. There's one posted above and looking at it I can't help hearing Mum's voice in my head saying Aren't they just bonny girls? That's what she said of them, rightly I'd say, the last time we were all in England and Mum was alive. Funnily enough, I can also recall her saying the same thing of their mother before she was married.

And what exactly does it mean, to say a young lady is bonny? Untranslatable, I think. It sort of refers to girls being pretty, but there's a sense of something healthy about being bonny - not at all the super-model stereotype. It's also as much a comment on personality as it is on looks, I think.

The girls were equally bonny as nippers, by the way, but I can't find any embarrassing shots to prove that just now.

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