Sunday, October 27, 2019


Just back from visiting Hamza & Sharifah & family. My brother-in-law sustained a very nasty head injury last Monday after slipping on a wet floor in his masjid and falling backwards. A scan showed some bleeding on the brain, fortunately relatively minor, but enough to require close care for the next three months. Initially we thought we'd be visiting him in hospital but he was given a reasonably clean bill of health and allowed home - but is not allowed to drive and such and is being forced to rest.

It was good to see him looking like his usual self, but it wasn't difficult to notice signs of frailty now and again. He impressed on me more than once the need for guys of our age to take care, clearly still taken aback by how close he'd come to a very bad place indeed. Excellent advice, of course, for those of any age, but, let's face it, especially ours.

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