Monday, October 14, 2019

Getting It Done

After yesterday's evening's uncertainties regarding whether Noi and I would wake to a day of relative wellness, I'm happy to report we remain on the ticketty-boo side of things. Our health if not exactly rude might reasonably be described as fairly vulgar. And to celebrate such I got myself off to the gym earlier this evening.

I can't honestly say I enjoy physical exercise these days - in sharp contrast to my running days when I invariably felt good pounding the pavements. But I'll tell you what does feel good: when I'm able to think to myself, even on a day when I feel a bit low, well at least I'm clocking up some form of physical exercise, even if nothing else is going too well.

There's something real, something definite, something certain about working up a sweat. In an uncertain world it's nice to know that.

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