Friday, October 25, 2019

All Accounted For

We travelled up to KL this afternoon, setting off after I got back from Prayers and arriving on the hill around 9.00, which is not bad going for a Friday. The traffic in the city here was ferociously busy and typically crazy, so we were happy to touch down without incident. It's a bit unusual for us to travel up at this time of year. I've got a long weekend, with a holiday on Monday for Deepavali, but I'd rather have stayed where I was and got on with marking and bits & pieces. Of course, I'll be able to do plenty of that here, but the time spent on the road, and the nervous energy used up, might really have been better spent getting on with the usual.

The problem is that my time is so much accounted for in the weeks ahead that this will be the only chance I get to spend time in Maison KL before the end of the year and there're a few things I need to accomplish here before we say goodbye to 2019. So I'll be making an early start tomorrow so that none of the weekend is wasted. Quite how my time got to be so valuable I can't figure out, but that's the way it is for now. Nice to have a purpose, I suppose.

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