Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Time For A Change

Many, many years ago, when I was learning my trade as a teacher, things didn't really change much from one year to another. That sense of predictability was hugely important to me. There was a frame within which it was possible to try new things and, simply put, get better at the job. Generally speaking, I thought I knew what was going on and what would be going on, and that gave rise to a feeling of being in control, almost a sense of mastery.

How things have changed. At this point in time everything about next year seems to be in flux. Which is also the case with regard to the end of this year. It's less and less possible to rely on routines as there seem to be none left. Fortunately I've been in the business so long now that, whilst this is troublesome, it's really no more than an irritant. But I look at younger colleagues and wonder how they feel about the shifting playing field. My guess is, none too good. I know I wouldn't.

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