Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Bit Of Cheer

It's strange how location can change one's perspective on what one is reading. Case in point: this morning, in a break to grab a coffee I was reading a paragraph or two of Nietzsche - Twilight of the Idols - with the old chap waxing lyrical on the greatness of Rome & Venice: Those large hothouses for the strong - for the strongest kind of human being that has so far been known - and all that kind of thing. Now, I suppose if I'd been reading this somewhere alone in the mountains, or in some dire accommodation in Manchester or New York or Moscow, it might have possessed some resonance for me. But there I was in a nice little cafĂ© in Jurong Regional Library on a sunny weekend morning, and it all just seemed a bit sad.

I reckon it would have cheered FN considerably if he'd have had the chance to come and see the one and only performance of our No Parking v2, which took place this very morning in the Programme Zone of the afore-mentioned library. Apart from enjoying a few good gags and the obvious enjoyment of those performing (a strange, almost magical, thing theatrical reciprocity) he'd have been forced to empathise with the little man, for once. I think it would have done him a lot of good.

It certainly made for a splendid morning for myself. Everything felt just so right, if you know what I mean. Oddly enough, the piece actually looked as if it had been planned for the performing space, it fitted so neatly and looked so good. 

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