Thursday, October 3, 2019

Messing Up

I was busy in a happily productive sort of way this morning at work, actually doing some real teaching for the first time for quite a while. It certainly beats invigilating exams and marking scripts. And then in the late afternoon Noi and I visited Intan's mum who's not been too well lately. In fact, she was admitted to ICU just last weekend, but we didn't try to see her then since we knew she'd be deluged with visitors. It was good to see her looking a lot better than you might expect of someone just out of hospital. So, all in all, it was a good day up until around 7.30 pm.

After that point nothing went well - on the work front, that is. I came back intending to get on and force myself to do three different admin tasks. The first I had to abandon, losing a recommendation I'd written for a colleague, as the on-line form was one of those all or nothing types where if you didn't submit the whole thing it couldn't be kept  as a draft anywhere. Since I was lacking some necessary info for the final box, I lost the lot. The second involved uploading stuff already written to a website that resolutely refused to let me upload anything. And then, to put the tin hat on it, (as they say, or, at least, used to say, in Manchester) I managed to delete and lose an entire document I'd worked on for a good three hours a few weeks back before uploading it to where it needed to go in yet another system. 

That last one was the really painful one. It actually created a lot more work for no reason, which meant that all my efforts to get things done had achieved genuinely negative results. And worse, my own stupidity was entirely to blame, so I didn't even get moaning rights about other people's stupid systems. Funnily enough, I thought writing about this might make me feel better. But it doesn't. Grrgh.

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