Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Height Of Cool

I'm on a Stevie Wonder binge at the moment, an excellent place to be. Downloaded Fulfilingness' First Finale the other day and it was even better than I remember it, and I remember it exceptionally well.

In trawling around for live stuff, which I've rarely heard for some reason, I came to realise that SW performing Superstition on the children's programme Sesame Street was highly regarded by more than a few folk. Now I remember catching odd clips of Stevie playing the song with his band of the period, Wonderlove, around the time of Talking Book, but we didn't get Sesame Street at that time in the UK, and I'd never realised he'd done the show.

Today I watched the performance and came instantly to the conclusion that it made SW, known by one and all to be one of the coolest twenty-odd-year-olds of the period, officially the coolest of all. Why? Three reasons. 1) He and the band tear it up in the funkiest possible fashion. 2) They're doing it on a kids' programme! 3) Just watch SW totally into every nuance of the gorgeous sound he creates and tell me this is not supremely cool.

Gentle Reader, if you don't smile when watching and listening I'm afraid there's no hope for you.

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