Saturday, July 6, 2019

In A Better Way

This time last week I was in a mess. Lying on the floor of our bedroom in Mak's house in Sungai Petai, I was seriously wondering if it was going to be possible to get up to walk to the toilet, or if I was going to be able to get any sleep at all when night finally arrived. Whatever other thinking I did, apart from  monitoring the pain I was in, related to trying to figure out whom I needed to message regarding work-related matters since I was entirely sure I wouldn't be attending my place of employment when Monday arrived. In the event I seemed to nod off around four in the morning for a couple of hours, and when I woke up the pain in my left leg was not quite as bad. As Sunday morning went on I actually found myself able to get to the shower and have a shave, and began to consider the possibility I might just get better.

Today, after five fairly tough days spent at work, trying to allow for various incapacities, I'm glimpsing the astonishing possibility of getting back to something like pain-free normality. It's difficult to express how grateful I am for even just a glimpse of that state of health, but this is my weak attempt.

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