Thursday, July 25, 2019

Out Loud

Ultra-busy these last few days mainly because of the show, but I never mind this kind of busyness since 1) it has a point and 2) it's actually rewarding. Part of being busy is physical, which is no bad thing since I'm still aching a bit in my left leg, so the gym remains out of the question and all the running around means I'm getting some kind of exercise. The bigger part, however, is mental and that's the really tiring aspect of it all, though also that's where the exhilaration lies.

There was a moment yesterday when I needed to attend a meeting ahead of a rehearsal that I found myself talking out loud in an attempt to focus on the key things that just had to be done, plucking them somehow from the mental storm that engulfed me. (A bit over-dramatic that, I know, but it's not a bad attempt to capture the flavour of my thoughts at the moment in question - though it fails to acknowledge that I was quite enjoying wandering through the storm.) The problem is that the talking out loud took place in a fairly public place, and I reckon a couple of colleagues thought I'd finally lost it completely.

The funny thing is that the last time I can remember very consciously and deliberately talking aloud to spell out my intentions was when I was a nipper being looked after by my gran. Yes, it looks like second childhood is finally upon me. Quite fun really.

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