Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Continuing To Function

For the last few days I've found myself waking around 4.00 am with quite an ache in my left leg. This seems to be brought on just by lying in bed. It's not incredibly painful, but it's bothersome enough to prevent further sleep. Now this might sound like an odd thing to say, but in some ways this is quite useful. When you get to my age it's not too difficult to function on fewer hours of sleep and I seem to be able to manage on around four to five, which I'm getting. Waking early gives that bit more extra thinking time which is incredibly useful when working on a production - there's never quite enough time to consider all the details that it's useful to consider no matter what, but the sense of starting the day with an opportunity to mentally get to grips with most of what needs some kind of hold on is relaxing in its way.

Of course, once I get to this time (around 10.25 pm) I feel pretty much wiped out. But then there's something oddly pleasant about being so tired you just don't care anymore.

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