Saturday, August 12, 2023

Dining Out


As far as I can remember I've never attended a dinner for National Day in all the years I've spent in this Far Place. That omission will be put right this evening. Fahmi, in his other life as Mayor of the South East District, has invited Noi and myself to join him and various assorted family members on one of the tables at the Geylang Serai National Day Dinner 2023. Very kind of him. Hoping that the three and half hours set aside for the big do prove profitable for all involved. Unfortunately I can't say I thrive in the context of big dinners, but I'll do my best. Watch this space for further details - assuming we get back at a reasonable hour.


Incredibly, unremittingly, loud. From the point the announcers came on, just after we arrived at 6.20, to the end of proceedings at 10.00 pm. Brash and psychopathically cheerful. But the folks around seemed to have a good time and the guys doing the announcing were thoroughly professional in the local style and certainly earned their money. Oh, and Noi certainly got carried away in the National Day songs sequence, so not such a bad evening after all.  

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