Thursday, May 23, 2019

Powering Up

18 Ramadhan, 1440

Got to the gym again today, after breaking the fast. Found a bit more energy than was available to me last Sunday, on my previous visit. Not sure where it came from, but very glad to have access to it.

Now more than two decades older than when I began fasting, I find I can't take it for granted that the energy to keep going will come from somewhere. I've noticed over the last three years that the degree of listlessness I sometimes experience in Ramadhan can be quite marked even in the second half of the month, something I don't remember experiencing in quite so obvious a fashion years ago. I'm not talking about any sort of consistent feeling, just an occasional one, but strong enough to have to pay attention to. Ironically the busier I find myself at work, the better. That sense of lassitude is not a feeling I ever take to the classroom.

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