Saturday, May 18, 2019

Busy Doing Nothing Again

13 Ramadhan, 1440

I've done pretty much nothing all day, and thoroughly enjoyed doing it. We wondered about going out to buy some bread to accompany the oxtail soup Noi was preparing for the evening meal, but decided not to, on the grounds that we'd have too much to eat. This was a wise decision as 1) it allowed me to do even more of nothing and 2) we've just eaten the soup without bread and there's no room for anything else at all in my stomach.

I did manage to complete Plath's Collected Poems by evening, but since I've been reading the volume since January this wasn't exactly an achievement. And, anyway, there's a good case to be made that reading poetry is just a higher form of doing nothing in a more elegant manner. I suppose that's what makes it so satisfying.

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