Monday, May 27, 2019

Dragging On

22 Ramadhan, 1440

In the tougher moments of fasting you can start to think the process does seem to drag on a bit, especially when you hit the final third of the month. However, a certain consolation is to be gained from remembering just how long the Brexit process, if that's what it can fairly be termed, has dragged on whilst offering no comparable rewards.

Noi was genuinely perplexed the other evening when I explained to her that nothing whatsoever had been resolved with regard to the UK's position re Europe. She was rightly astounded having vaguely assumed that, since she'd not been hearing so much about it when we didn't leave in March/April, despite the stated deadlines, that it was sort of all over. No it's not, I'm afraid.

But fasting will reach a rewarding conclusion, God willing, in a bit more than a week, which is part of the point of the experience. It's something definite, with a shape and an outcome - one genuinely worth waiting for.

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