Sunday, May 19, 2019

Busy Doing Something

14 Ramadhan, 1440

I can't honestly say this has been a day of achievement, but I did get to the gym after breaking the fast, which was a small something. Actually I struggled there just now in a way I didn't do a week earlier, in my first session of all-out exercise in the fasting month. I just wasn't able to make it for a second time during last week, being so busy in the evenings, and I suppose I've lost a bit of whatever fitness I'd built up. Also I suspect I may have been a bit dehydrated having drank just a glass of water and a couple of cups of tea before heading out. I can't recall exactly when I set off a week ago, but I suspect I took on a bit more liquid then.

The result was that, despite making quite a bright start, by the time I hit the 35 minutes mark I was just going through the motions. It even occurred to me that I might stop at 40 minutes, but I suppose that some sort of ingrained keep-going-ness took over. It's similar to what gets you though a day of fasting - the simple impossibility of breaking the fast early. It's simply not a choice.

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