Friday, December 15, 2023

Virtue Signaling

Had an appointment at NUH today, one of the reasons we came back from Malaysia yesterday. I'd undergone another scan of my lungs a couple of weeks back, following up a previous scan in February, and needed to get the feedback. In case you're wondering why I've been in need of so many scans, it relates to the fact that there still signs of the gunk that put me in ICU in September 2022 hanging around back in February. The doc assigned to this aspect of my recovery wasn't especially worried about this, but did mention the very, very faint possibility that I'd contracted TB and felt it best to do at least one more check late in 2023 as to how recovery was proceeding, by which time the TB, if it was lingering in the background, would be fully apparent.

Anyway, the news was good. There's less gunk and so signs of TB, and since physical exercise is going well I don't need further scans. The doc strongly recommended vaccinating for Covid and I felt a picture of virtue informing him that I'd already had the jab. It seems I'm about the only one of his 'elderly patients' who'd done the right thing.

To be honest I'd sort of expected good news so it wasn't that I was overly concerned about the results. But I'm still enjoying thinking about them.

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