Sunday, December 24, 2023

Passing The Test

I completely forgot that I needed to take the annual cyber security test set by my employers, until this morning. Having remembered I surprised myself by actually getting down to the job this evening rather than putting it off to 31 December (the deadline.)

I further surprised myself by passing the three sections with reasonable ease despite not understanding a fair number of the trickier questions. Of course, it helps that you are allowed multiple attempts and that most answers can be figured out by applying a strong dose of common sense. Let's face it, in the real world common sense is what everyone needs to fall back on with regard to IT systems (or any so-called system, for that matter.)

In fact, now I think of it I suppose I must be reasonably sensible with regard to cyber security concerns since I've somehow managed to avoid getting into trouble over this stuff for quite a few years. Hope this streak of good fortune lasts for at least another year - though I'm not exactly counting on that given the number of attempts I needed to get some of the answers right just now.

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