Tuesday, April 11, 2023

On Trial

20 Ramadhan, 1444

Gosh, today was tough from the fasting point of view. Just when I was coasting along on the assumption that I'd thoroughly adjusted to the physical challenges of the Holy Month, along came a physically tough day on the heels of a yesterday that made demands, and by 11.00 am I knew I was in for a long, long day. Fortunately I didn't develop a headache, but most of the rest of the various bits of me raised various protests and the idea of just going somewhere to relax and enjoy a cuppa decided to keep making appearances in my frustrated consciousness. The fact that my afternoon concluded with five hours straight of teaching & other duties didn't help matters.

But here's the thing. Another part of me was happy to accept the trial as a necessary part of what makes fasting worthwhile. It was a test I knew I would pass, but a pertinent reminder that if I were tested to breaking point I would most likely fail and that's really worth knowing, even if more than a bit painful.

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