Friday, April 21, 2023

In Conclusion

30 Ramadhan, 1444


At the day's dawning: hard rain. The birds subdued. But, as ever, something is beginning, again.


The final day of Ramadhan is always a long day. Fortunately it's been a busy one for me, non-stop from 10.30 am onwards, with the trip to Masjid Darussalam for Friday Prayers being a bit of a rush. But I've got some time now to reflect on life, the universe and everything. Hope to use it well, rather than just counting down.


Gosh, the teh tarik I quaffed just now tasted like the best ever. But, then, it always does.


One of the aspects of the fasting month that worked well for me lay in my choice of Islamic-themed reading material. Finished Kenneth Cragg's The Event of the Qur'an yesterday and was left with a sense of having acquired a greater depth of understanding of things I thought I'd grasped pretty well already. Odd to think it was a re-read for me. Always something new to learn; or something old but forgotten.

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