Monday, April 24, 2023

Just Starting

The last couple of days have seen me making a slow but entirely happy start on George MacDonald Fraser's Flashman and the Angel of the Lord. I thought I needed to pick something broadly disgraceful for my post-Ramadhan reading and, of course, any of the brilliant Flashman series would be more than appropriate.

This is the tenth in the series, and the only one I own, having received it as a gift back in the 1990s. Loved it then, but read it very quickly, just to enjoy the characterisation of Fraser's great anti-hero and his exhilarating escapades. This time round I'm paying close attention to the historical details, which I sort of previously skipped by in wanting to just enjoy a gripping yarn of the highest order. I reckon I'm getting much more out of the fiction as a result. 

So now I'm thinking I need to (one day) embark on a reread of the whole series. To be honest, I'm a bit hazy over which were the exact ones I read, but that sort of adds to my considerable enthusiasm.

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