Sunday, April 2, 2023


11 Ramadhan, 1444


A bit of jolt for me just now. I was in the NTUC supermarket at Clementi Mall, helping Noi at the checkout and browsing various favourite websites as I did so, when I came across a reference at Progressive Ears to the news of the death of the musician Ray Schulman, whom I'd referred to in this Far Place just yesterday evening (in glowing terms, I'm very happy to say.)

I generally try to avoid RIP-themed posts. There would be so many of them given that I'm of an age when the heroes of my youth, generally musicians, are finding their ways to their long homes. But it's good to reflect occasionally on how much of communal value an individual can give to the world when developing his or her talents to the full, as Mr Schulman undoubtedly, wonderfully, did.


And more bad news regarding the death of a co-worker, entirely unexpected, later in the day. Sad.

Spent the last three hours or so, just popping away to break the fast, at a carnival run by the students. And rightly jolly it was. Enough raw energy around to supply a large city for a day or two. Good to be among the living.

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