Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Slowing Down

Since I'm getting a not unreasonable amount of marking and general preparation done here, I'm not at all sure why things feel so relaxed, but they do, and I'm happy to take that as it stands. I'm making pretty speedy progress on the second novel I brought out with me, so it's a good job I packed a couple of periodicals - these being a Mekong Review and a New York Review of Books I picked up when I was last at Holland Village. It's been a long time since either publication has featured in my reading, so it's time to right that wrong.

I've also found time to listen to a few things of interest on YouTube and am considering having a go at one or two of Britten's later operas. Watched the opening bit of a version of Owen Wingrave that's a later production than the original opera broadcast on British tv (but still appears designed for that medium) and found myself very impressed with a piece that has never really done that much for me previously. The only problem is that given my current state of relaxation I have a feeling I'll be so beguiled that I'll nod off after the first half hour.

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