Friday, November 4, 2022

Reason Not The Need

The UK press has been in a bit of a furore of late with regard to an ex-cabinet minister who is intending to appear on a reality-tv show this coming December whilst still sitting as an MP. Nice work if you can get it, I'd say, but most of the UK disagrees.

The thing I find hard to understand about the guy's desire to appear in this kind of format on the goggle box is exactly that - the sheer desire to do so, the sense of need involved. How many of us would want to go to all that trouble only to face the very real possibility of screwing up horrendously and showing the world what complete clots we are in endless reruns available to all on YouTube? I can only figure that in his imagination he can conceive only of doing a great job and impressing all and sundry. Maybe he thinks he did that as a minister? If so, I can but say he is mightily deceived - but I suppose it comes with the territory.

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