Saturday, November 5, 2022

Gone Missing

Noi has gone off this weekend to Melaka along with Rozita to deal with some family business, leaving me to fend for myself. Of course, I'm missing her severely, but I'm trying to put the time here to good use by ploughing on with the marking for IB. But it wasn't all just mental exercise today. I took a walk up to Holland Village this afternoon as part of a long term plan to try and rebuild some level of fitness in this battered frame of mine. This followed a walk Noi and I undertook with Lee Jing around the Medway Park area on Thursday evening, our first tentative attempt to see whether I was up to recreational rambling.

Anyway, I'm happy to report that both walks went well with no obvious ill effects. However, there was one downside to today's little adventure. I was intending to partake of the cup that cheers at the CBTL at Holland Village but it's shut down since my last visit, which was before my hospitalisation. So, some disappointment there. But I showed resilience by grabbing a cappuccino somewhere else and telling myself that change is good even when it isn't. 

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