Saturday, November 12, 2022


We found ourselves on Orchard Road in the early morning since we needed to go to a clinic located near Wheelock Place to get some jabs to vaccinate us against meningitis ahead of a trip we're making to Makkah in December for Umrah, and that was the time we'd booked for our appointment. It's been quite some time since we've been in the city, and I can't remember the last time time I was there before 9.00 am. Must say, there's a lot to be said for wandering around the area at that time. The traffic was light, it was easy to park and there was a general sense of ease on the uncrowded streets.

I can remember a time when I felt the excitement of crowds. But that's a long time ago. I'm more than happy encountering empty spaces, recognising a potential I don't care to be a part of.

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