Thursday, January 7, 2021

Under Attack

I suppose anyone reading this who's aware of events in the American Capital might think the title of this post refers to that vague abstraction Democracy in the Land of the Free. And yesterday's post might also point them in that direction. But no. I have something more local, and personal in mind.

We've just been informed by the ever-reliable Devan, who looks after our garden in KL, that our frangipani tree has been attacked by a monkey, or monkeys. Judging from the photographic evidence he provided they've done quite a bit of damage, with the frangipani blossoms scattered everywhere and a few branches snapped off. It's been almost a year since we've seen the tree and it's a bit sad that it'll be much reduced when we finally get to go to our home there again. But I can't say we're completely cast down by this - after all, it'll grow gain. And I can't say I really blame the monkey, or monkeys, who perpetrated this minor atrocity. They probably had good simian reasons for what they did.

In stark contrast, the members of our species who indulged in deeply disturbing mischief in DC appear beyond reason.

(Just as a matter of interest, what I wrote yesterday was posted before the mob violence. It wasn't difficult to see it coming. Which makes it very puzzling that the forces of law or order tasked to defend the Capitol building managed to be notably absent. Hmmm.)

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