Friday, August 30, 2024


I don't see myself as a particularly moody sort of chap - though it's easy to imagine others disagreeing with this self-servicing characterisation. But it's true that I can feel the most intense irritation over the trivial business of illegible handwriting, especially when attempting to mark a script that largely comprises such. One egregious example I encountered this afternoon took a good deal more than an hour to mark, throwing out my schedule for the day. Oh, and when those big-sized ads pop up on my handphone when I'm reading a particularly interesting article, sometimes covering as many as four paragraphs, I have to confess to being a less-than-happy soldier.

And now I come to think of it, something of the reverse is true. A cup of coffee lovingly made and presented can easily restore my equilibrium. The one pictured above did this for me last Monday at 10.45 am (which led to me immortalizing it - sort of - in this post.)

All this leads me to the less-than-genuinely-insightful sort of insight that nothing's really trivial once you weigh it up.

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