Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Further Education

Odd day on the health front. Slept very well last night after an excellent dinner - the Missus having magicked up an extremely tasty Hong Kong Mee with lots of vegetables. Despite these good omens I felt mildly off all morning, as if about to develop an iffy tummy which never quite manifested itself. We took ourselves off in the afternoon to Jem and had an excellent cuppa (coffee, in my case) and an entirely fulfilling scone, but still I felt on the edge of needing to make a run for the nearest rest room without ever actually having to do so.

As a result of all this I went to the gym after the Maghrib Prayer with a distinct sense of wariness. And here's the funny thing. I'd done 32 minutes on the elliptical trainer when I felt the kind of sweatiness you really don't want to feel on the half hour mark and just knew I had nothing left. So I dialed down the pace, by quite a rate of knots initially - and surprised myself by adding another 23 minutes. But I didn't even look at the weights afterwards.

The lesson, as ever, is to listen to what your body tells you. But don't necessarily believe all it says. 

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