Friday, February 10, 2023

Something Gained

Had an appointment at NUH today related to a scan of my lungs undertaken back in November and had my weight checked. I've put on 3 kg since the start of January, I'm happy to report, which means I'm now back at my fighting weight. Ever since I finished the medication I was on intended to prevent epileptic seizures I've generally felt a lot more 'normal' and that's involved an improvement in appetite, which has obviously translated to the gain in weight. The thing is though, that I'm not exactly sure how the neurology people at the hospital will react to the fact I'm no longer on that medication as there's a bit of confusion as to how long I was supposed to take it for. I've got an appointment with them next week and this is something I'll need to clarify, my position being that I'm very happy not to take any more pills and don't feel in the slightest bit vulnerable to further seizures.

Got to the gym again this evening to confirm my general sense of wellness. It felt good. I consider myself 100% recovered. Hope my various doctors think the same way.

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