Friday, February 24, 2023

On The Go

Today marked my first genuinely frantic day of work for the year: back-to-back lessons, followed by a rush to get to NUH for a scan of my lungs, followed by a rush to Prayers, followed by a rush to get back to our drama guys. And then an evening dinner at Kampong Glam with the usual gang. Oh, and I got up a bit earlier than usual to give myself more planning time to handle the logistics of it all.

It strikes me that the feeling of pressure, mild but distinct, accompanying all this was due to the need to remember all the little fiddly things that characterise so much of working life - where and when to obtain the keys to open particular rooms; what needs to be collected and who isn't around to collect from; what emails require immediate answers or actions, and which can be dealt with later, but must on no account be forgotten; and so on, and so on, and so on.

Fortunately I've learnt how to carve out time for a necessary cuppa even when there isn't time, and that was enough to save the day.

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