Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Food For Thought

Heard a lady on Sky News just now citing statistics suggesting that one-third of the food produced globally goes to waste. Didn't see enough of the interview to grasp her background, but it was clear she was regarded as an expert in this area. The interviewer looked pretty much stunned, and that's how I felt. 

Funnily enough she didn't see the figure as cause for despair but was intent on framing solutions, and she claimed much could be done to reduce the wastage in the developed world by altering the behaviour of individuals since systemic wastage was far less problematic than it is in the developing world. 

To be honest, I find it difficult to think of such problems without my thoughts being coloured by a dark sense of despair. But since that isn't going to do anyone anywhere any good at all, I'm considering what I might reasonably do to contribute to a solution. Very little, of course, but that's no excuse for not trying.

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