Tuesday, May 31, 2022

All Being Well

Today marks the end of the month of Syawal, thus an end to the post-Eid celebrations. I'm guessing that for many Muslims a return to normality will be welcome, pleasant as it is to visit friends and relations.

The day also marked a significant anniversary of a bond in this household, one for which I find myself more thankful than ever, if that were possible. A useful measure of any relationship is the extent to which it promotes growth for the individuals involved and I'm keenly aware of the very specific ways in which that applies to yours truly. It would be embarrassing to try and make any claims about having become a better person over time, especially if it turned out that such claims were just an example of typical self-deception. But in a quiet way I know what I know - and I'm happy to know it. Especially when I know the credit isn't down to me but to a genuinely better half.

We celebrated in a little way in a little place on Arab Street with a cuppa and cakes in the afternoon, and all was well. Very well, indeed.

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