Monday, November 30, 2020

A Grim Fascination

My back still hasn't fully recovered from last week's strain and that's been my weak excuse for getting hardly anything worthwhile done today. In contrast, Noi was busy developing her skills in patchwork at Rohana's, so one of us was achieving something. For some reason I found myself fairly aimlessly watching various bits of debate and dialogue on YouTube in her absence and I'm afraid it was a less than profitable use of my time.

I suppose I did learn one thing though. I witnessed a good deal of outrage and outrage is a debilitating emotion, especially the variety unaccompanied by any sense of generosity, and there's a lot of it in cyberspace. Watching folks fuelled by outrage at each other is unrewarding in the extreme but unpleasantly fascinating. And I intend to stay away in future.

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