Monday, September 28, 2020

To Treasure

Good article in today's Life section of The Straits Times about the esteemed Ramli Sarip. It seems everyone's favourite Mat Rocker is releasing a new album this year. If we can get hold of it on CD it'll be getting some air play in this household, I can tell you. Every Ramli album we've got has proved a keeper.

When I told the Missus about the article she bunged on some live stuff she searched for on-line on her trusty i-Pad and, despite the fact we could only hear it through the tinny i-Pad, it sounded extremely tasty - the sign of a real musician: stuff sounding good when it really has no right to.

If memory serves, we've seen the great man live (really, I mean) three times and he's never been less than entirely, masterfully present in his music. A national treasure - though I'm not sure the nation quite realises that fact.

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