Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sort Of Reassured

Just phoned Maureen to wish her a happy birthday from Noi and myself. It turns out that our card for her hasn't arrived yet. Back in May the one we sent for John arrived about two weeks after the big day, suggesting that the postal services were struggling to cope with the various lock-downs going on back then. We posted Maureen's card in good time (as we did with the card back in May) so it looks like the service has slowed down somewhat generally, but we're hoping the card will get through soon. Maureen herself sounded okay, but a bit out of it, not entirely present, and not terribly concerned about talking for too long.

John was his usual loquacious self, suggesting that all's reasonably well back at Gee Cross, but he gave me a bit of a jolt when he told me that Louise had been affected by Covid-19 and had been isolated for some 10 days. She was asymptomatic and is fine now. It seems she picked up the virus at the care home she sometimes works at. Actually, I thought she wasn't working there any longer, based on a previous conversation with John, but he must have been a bit muddled - or maybe it was me. The odd and strangely reassuring thing is that he seemed to have no awareness that this might spell trouble for himself and Maureen. When I asked him about his own contact with his daughter he didn't pick up at all on the fact I was a bit concerned and brushed the question aside with typical insouciance. His main concern was how much it would cost for them to relay their drive and install a ramp. As I say, reassuring in an odd sort of fashion.

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