Sunday, August 9, 2020

Help Needed

Just back from Woodlands after a jolly evening with Fuad, Rozita, Fifi and Fafa in the course of which Noi and I made quite a number of demands IT-wise on our older niece. On my part these were related to a new laptop I bought to try and make life easier for downloading music (and other stuff, but mainly that, to be honest.) The needs of the Missus were a little more pressing, relating to attempts to renew her passport on-line, which appears now to be the only way her nation allows it to be done. With huge cunning they've made the process extraordinarily difficult to accomplish. I officially gave up yesterday evening, and it managed to baffle the far more savvy Fifi this evening. She'll try again tomorrow morning, she says, when her brain is no longer exploding.

The problem now relates to trying to submit a photo for the passport that meets the remarkably complex demands of the website. Each submission so far has been rejected with no explanation given. One might even wonder if someone has deliberately made things as difficult as possible.

Isn't bureaucracy a wonderful thing?

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