Saturday, June 20, 2020

Highly Receptive

Very busy work-wise at present, which feels more than reasonable given the current circumstances in which we find ourselves. Happy to be able to make a tiny contribution to trying to keep the wheels on the wagon as the world negotiates a steep downhill ride. And also happy that I'm not by any means impossibly busy and am finding moments here and there to raise my head above the water. (Sorry for the appalling mixed metaphors, but I sort of enjoying mangling my own images.)

One of the positive features of my current state is a welcome and familiar sense of being highly receptive to music, poetry, art in general in those moments of relative freedom, as if the limitations of attention I can afford them make them all the more precious. And along with this comes that curious feeling that the universe is conspiring to draw my attention to exactly the kind of music, poetry, art that I'll find deeply rewarding without my really trying too hard to seek it out.

Today, for example, I discovered that Werner Herzog's film Aguirre, Wrath of God is freely available in its English language version (I think dubbed, but I'm vaguely aware that how Herzog rendered the language of his early masterpiece with an international cast might just be a tad more complicated than I think) on Youtube. I just watched the opening sequence and I my mind was as totally blown as it was when I first saw the film on telly. (Not sure how old I was. A teenager? Late night showing on BBC2, I think.) In fact, I've only ever seen it through complete once, and I'm now planning with huge excitement to make that twice. Yowza!

And this is from someone who isn't really into movies all that much in general terms.

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