Sunday, June 21, 2020

As Usual

Just bade farewell to the one and only set of visitors we will see in the post-Raya period, tomorrow being the final day of the month of Syawal and the sort of 'official' end to such proceedings. And how good it was to see Fuad, Rozita, Fifi and Fafa live, as it were, after three months of necessary disconnection. It's nice to think that such reunions will have been taking place all over this Far Place this weekend, and are likely to continue to do so for the days immediately ahead of us.

I'm fortunate in being able to deal with solitude better than most, indeed, to have a marked capacity for enjoying it. I'm not one of Streisand's People Who Need People, so not one of the luckiest in the world in that respect, but there's a lot to be said for the virtues of connectedness and I'm happy to celebrate them.

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