Sunday, September 22, 2019

Under Maintenance

I was distinctly ambitious in framing my resolution for the year ahead back in January. I knew I was aiming high, but perhaps didn't quite realise how high. Just keeping one's body ticking over in reasonable shape is quite a stretch at my advanced age, I'm afraid. I suppose that by the time we got to Ramadhan, back in May, I'd enjoyed some success in actually increasing my overall level of fitness if the numbers I posted in the gym might be trusted. But since the catastrophic problems presented by my iffy back in June derailed any regular programme of exercise, I haven't come close to achieving such results. Happily though, I am back to regular exercise and tonight's trip to the gym suggested I'm back to a sort of average performance. Unhappily, achieving the average has left me exhausted.

Perhaps I should re-cast the resolution: I am resolved to end the year as reasonably fit as I started it. When entropy stares you in the face I suppose that's as good a way as any of staring back, eh?

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