Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Spinning Even Faster

Today Noi managed to get a work diary for me for the year ahead (the type that gives a week to a view, which I just can't function without.) This is ten days earlier than I managed to get hold of one last year for this year. I suppose that goes some way to accounting for the fact that it just doesn't seem possible a whole year has gone by since acquiring the 2019 version. I distinctly remember making a bit of a mess last year regarding the headings I routinely put in for each week, linking the particular week to the point reached in the school term, since I didn't realise that the Ministry of Education here would decide to create a 'Week Zero' at the start of the school year. I briefly considered trying to find another diary but, fortunately, managed to cope with my odd obsessiveness over these things and just crossed out the errant headings. I still feel an odd impulse to try and keep any on-going diary reasonably neat and systematic, an impulse I overcome by reminding myself that it won't take long before the thing looks inevitably messy and it makes far more sense to embrace the mess.

I wonder if there'll come a day when I abandon the keeping of such a diary. Doesn't look like that'll be any time soon though. And if I did how would I ever remember birthdays?

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