Friday, October 19, 2018

Getting Down To It

We're off to KL later this evening, intending to beat the Friday jam by travelling through the night. Fortunately Fuad is coming along with us and he doesn't mind driving in the early hours, so I'm hoping to get some much needed zzzzzzs in the car. But I can't say I'm looking forward to feeling tired tomorrow, as I undoubtedly will, with marking to do. However, arranging to fix the Maison KL roof is an over-riding priority, so the trip must go ahead.

I suppose this is a classic First World problem - i.e., hardly a problem at all in the great scheme of things, a problem of being fortunate enough to own a house and having more than one place in which to live. Actually, I seem beset by problems at the moment, which turn out not to be problems at all when you really get down to it.

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