Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Still Just A Fan

Since I mentioned in Sunday's post that I'd listed the musicians upon whom I have inflected my fanboy-ness over the years, I thought I'd better share that list as well, and make a clean breast of it. But reviewing the list I found myself struggling once more with the issue of leaving some key players out, hence the delay in following up.

Here's the original list of completely solid fan-worship from the get-go: King Crimson (still the greatest band in the known universe), The Beatles (duh!), Ralph Vaughan Williams, Steely Dan, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Stephen Sondheim, Ennio Morricone.

Here's the list of equally adored, but took a little bit longer to get there: Dylan (duh!), Richard Thompson, Radiohead, Prince.

Here's the list of those who got left out and I can't quite figure out why, so now they're on the list: Elvis Costello, The Clash, Stevie Wonder, Paul Weller. 

And here's the very short list of bands who recently have almost, but not quite, pushed Crimso out of first place, yet I stopped listening  to for years before a glorious rediscovery in my dotage: Van der Graaf Generator.

Not sure why I like making lists, but I do.

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