Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Great Expectations

Decided not to watch the footy in Germany partly on the grounds that I didn't want to pay the extra fees to watch on the telly, especially when the majority of games are broadcast at ungodly hours. But am watching stuff on-line, so I know how badly England have played so far. But the main grounds for not watching live games are actually part of a cunning plan on my part. Re: whenever I have watched in the past the three lions have come unstuck. So this time round my lack of presence is calculated to work in their favour.

The plan, as you probably realise, has proved a major success so far. Plus, by virtue of the team being so unimpressive their opponents are being lulled into a false sense of security.

So, it's really quite simple. I feel completely sure of success tonight against the boys in orange. And then Spain will fall in the final. Remember, you read it here first.

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